「TOKYO 100」by Larry Clark


¥15,000- Photography Sale

9月23日(金)- 30日(金)





世界中の多くのフォトグラファーや映画作品、ストリートカルチャーやファッションデザイナーにまで多大なる影響を与えたラリー・クラーク自身が、1992年から2010年までの間に発表した「KIDS/キッズ」(1995)、「BULLY/ブリー」(2001)、「Ken Park/ケン・パーク」(2002)、「Wassup Rockers/ワサップ!」(2005)、などの代表的な撮影シーンや、それらの作品のロケーションで撮り下ろした多くのスナップショット、Supremeのカレンダー撮影の際に撮り下ろした貴重なポートレートやセルフポートレートを今回ニューヨークやロンドン、LAでの開催を経て、東京にて初の展示と販売をいたします。




ラリー・クラークは「この展覧会は今まで何度も自分の展覧会に来てくれ1万ドルや1.5万ドルするプリントを買えなかったファンの子達へ、これはスケーターやコレクター達へのお土産や記念品とし、自分がハッピーに死ぬためのお返しなんだ」と語っています。2013年初め、ニューヨークのロウアー・イーストサイドにあるホーム・アローン2にて「LARRY CALRK 100」はスタートし、ラリー・クラーク自身の古くからの友人で映画「KIDS/キッズ」にて鮮烈なデビューを果たした俳優でギャラリストでもあるレオ・フィッツパトリックが今回の展覧会のキュレーターであります。


「TOKYO 100」では、大きな木製のクレートをギャラリーの中央に設置し、中に写真を積み上げオーディエンスに見せる予定です。作品は主に、薬局や一時間プリントでラリー・クラーク自身がプリントをしたもので102×152mm (4 x 6)のカラープリントを各15,000円で販売いたします。メトロポリタン美術館やニューヨーク近代美術館をはじめとした世界中の名だたる美術館にコレクションされているアーカイブ作品を間近で見て購入することが出来、何百枚とある作品の中から、新しいラリー・クラークの側面を見出し、そしてそれを持って帰ることができる唯一の展覧会が「TOKYO 100」であります。




Follow Larry

FB : facebook.com/lcpunkpicasso

TW : twitter.com/larryclarkfilms

IG : instagram.com/larryclarkfilms




¥15,000 Photograph Sale


FRI 23 SEP – SUN 30 SEP 2016



A large selection of unique Larry Clark photographs will be on sale to

fans and followers of the artist’s work at Gallery Target in Tokyo.

The photographs date from 1992 – 2010, and were taken by Clark on or

around the locations of his films from that time – including Kids

(1995), Bully (2001), Ken Park (2002), and Wassup Rockers (2005),

among others. The pictures document the people, kids and friends he

was interacting with during this period, many playing leading roles in

his films. The collection of photographs also includes outtakes from a

calendar shoot for the street brand Supreme, as well as many unique

portraits, self portraits and various snapshots.


About the Exhibition:


Having recently turned 73, Clark found himself faced with the question

of what to do with the thousands of unique prints he had accumulated

over the years.


Instead of gifting to museum archives, or selling at auction, Clark

has decided to distribute a large portion of his archive to the

friends and fans that have played a central role, sometimes literally,

in his career to date. In his words, the sale is for ‘all the kids

that come to my shows in thousands and could never afford 10 to 15

thousand dollars for a print (…) this is a pay back to all the skate

rats and collectors who would like a souvenir so I can die happy.’


Clark’s plan was first realized in early 2013, when thousands of his

photographs were on view and for sale at Home Alone 2 gallery in the

Lower East Side, New York. Under the supervision of the gallerist, his

actor friend Leo Fitzpatrick (who made his debut in Kids), throngs of

Clark fans were given the unique opportunity to rummage through this

archive in a quest to select that perfect souvenir.


Similarly in Tokyo, a large wooden crate set in the centre of the

gallery space, stacked neatly with these one-of-a-kind photographs,

will be presented to a Tokyo audience. Represented in the photography

collections of many major museums around the world, including the

Metropolitan Museum of Art and The Museum of Modern Art, New York,

this is a rare opportunity to gain access to the photographer’s vast

archive while also having the potential to walk away with a piece of

it. Printed mainly at pharmacies and one hour photo shops by Clark,

these unique 4 x 6 in colour prints will be sold at

¥15,000 each for one week only. Viewers will generously be let to

flick through handfuls of snapshots at a time, gaining new insights

into his working method as well as having the opportunity to come away

with an original Larry Clark.



Location: GALLERY TARGET – 2 Chome-32-10 Jingumae, Shibuya, Tokyo 150-0001

Opening Reception: 23rd (Fri) 6 – 8 pm (artist and curator will be at the gallery)