”Express More with Less” by Yu Nagaba

“Express More with Less” by Yu Nagaba

5月1日(水)- 17日(金)



この度GALLERY TARGETではイラストレーター、アーティストとして活躍する長場 雄の個展「Express More with Less」を開催致します。





代名詞ともなったACE HOTELのメモ帳に描かれたドローイング。

「そのまま大きくなったら面白いよね。」  の一言に端を発し、2015年MIDORI.so2 GALLERYで開催した展覧会“A Piece for a day”の熱量をそのままキャンバスワークに置き換えて展示したいとのオファーを長場が快諾した事により本展覧会は実現しました。     


タイトルの「Express More with Less」(少ない情報でより豊かな表現をする)は長場の描くドローイング最大の特徴です。  短時間で情報を大まかに掴み、細かいことは気にせず目に映ったモチーフが発する空気もろとも取り込み描いていきます。  鑑賞者と作品の距離を縮めるため、モチーフには多くの人が関心をもつ「人物」が選ばれています。このスタイルを修練する事で一躍人気アーティストとなった長場。本展覧会では支持体を紙からキャンバスへと変更する過程で、これまで制作してきた作品を再構築しイラストレーションの持つ可能性を追求していきます。









2013年の夏にニューヨークのACE HOTELに泊まってホテルのアメニティとして置かれていたメモ帳を見た時に、その時の気持ちが蘇り、大事に持ち帰ってきたことがはじまりだ。

たいていそういうものは引き出しの奥で眠りつづけたり、どこかのタイミングで捨ててしまったりするのだけど、なぜかこのメモ帳は捨てがたく、ある時ふと取り出してきてここに絵を描くことを思いついた。(長場 雄)



“Express More with Less” by Yu Nagaba

5月1日(水)- 17日(金)

12:00 - 19:00 *会期中無休

オープニングレセプション:5月1日(水)18:00 - 20:00



03 3402 4575






1976年東京生まれ。東京造形大学デザイン学科卒業。雑誌、書籍、広告、様々なブランドとのコラボレーションなど領域を問わず幅広く活動。2014年より、自身のインスタグラムにて1日1点作品をアップし続けている。過去のワークスに、UNIQLO、ASICS、G-SHOCK、BEAMSとのコラボレーション、その他、マガジンハウス、RIMOWA、Technics、Spotify、Universal Music、Monocleなど国内外問わず様々なクライアントにイラストレーションを提供している。








“Express More with Less” by Yu Nagaba

May 1st (Wed) to May 17th (Fri)



GALLERY TARGET is pleased to announce a solo exhibition by Yu Nagaba, “Express More with Less” starting from May 1st.


Maximizing the expression with single colored line

Contrary to most minimalistic and stoic art, it only takes one look at Nagaba’s art to realize the playful nature of his work. However, the lines are well-calculated and kept to an essential minimalist, in order to combine a sense of tension and preciseness that differs from many other improvisational works such as those of Keith Haring. Underneath his playful style, the  work is highly conceptual.


Illustrations drawn on a notepad from ACE HOTEL

"It would be fun if it could grow from here”. After displaying his illustrations drawn on a notepad from ACE HOTEL in 2015 at an exhibition at MIDORI.so2 GALLERY named “A Piece for a day”, this thought marked a start which now results in these drawings being transferred to canvas and showcased in ”Express More with Less”.


Express More with Less

The title "Express More with Less" (the idea of conveying more information through an absence of information), also describes the biggest characteristic of Yu Nagaba’s art. 

When drawing, he inputs a visual impression of a subject in just a few seconds, filters out unnecessary details, and inserts simple yet defining characteristics in his illustrations. In order to reduce the initial processing time between the viewer and the artwork, a common motif is a famous person that many people can relate to, and Yu Nagaba has become a popular artist by honing this style. In this exhibition, by transferring Yu Nagaba’s art from paper to canvas, we will rebuild some of the works that have been previously produced, in order to pursue new possibilities for the illustrations.


In addition to the exhibition of artworks, there will also be letterpressed prints as well as new exclusive merchandise available for purchase. The artist himself will be present on the first day of the exhibition.


A comment by the artist 

When I was a child, my father would bring back amenities that he got from whatever hotel he stayed at while working abroad. These amenities always had a special sense of the country they were brought from, and created a visual image in my mind, despite never having visited the country myself. 

When I stayed at the ACE HOTEL in New York in the summer of 2013 and saw that a note pad had been placed as a hotel amenity, a strong feeling came back to me instantaneously, and it felt important. Usually, notepads like these lie forgotten in the back of a drawer or get discarded, but for some reason, this notepad was hard to throw away, and one day I came up with an idea for an illustration and started to draw in it.





“Express More with Less” by Yu Nagaba

May 1st (Wed) to May 17th (Fri)

Opening hours: Open everyday between 12:00-19:00 

Opening reception: May 1st (Wed) 18:00-20:00


Tokyo Shibuya-ku, Jingumae 2-32-10

03 3402 4575 




Yu Nagaba

Illustrator and artist.

Born in Tokyo in 1976. Graduated from Tokyo Zokei University, Department of Design. Activities stretch over a wide range of fields, including magazines, books, advertisements, and collaborations with various brands. Since 2014, he has been uploading one work a day on his Instagram. Previous works include collaborations with UNIQLO, ASICS, G-SHOCK, BEAMS, as well as illustrations for various clients such as Magazine House, RIMOWA, Technics, Spotify, Universal Music, and Monocle, both domestically and internationally.