“There Are No Wrong Answers”
Stephen Powers
April 5th (thur) - 24th (tue), 2018
この度GALLERY TARGETでは、Stephen Powersによる4年ぶりの東京での個展を開催いたします。
遊び心、メッセージ性のある言葉とシンプルな絵柄の組み合わせで、原宿キャットストリートにある「NOW IS FOREVER」や中目黒駅前の壁画で有名なStephen Powers。今回の展覧会では、彼のその日の気持ち、出てきた思い出を日記のように描き綴ったオリジナル作品や新作の版画などを展示いたします。
ブルックリンにあるESPO’S Art Worldを東京にて体験できる機会となっております。
“There Are No Wrong Answers”
Stephen Powers
4月5日(木)- 24日(火)
Open 12-7 pm (日・祝休廊)
* オープニングレセプションは4月5日(木) 7 - 9 pm
* アーティスト在廊いたします
1984年16最の頃からグラフィティ・ライターとしてESPOという名前で描き始める。1994年ニューヨークに移り「Go Magazine」を発行、1999年にはライターを辞めアーティストとして活動。以後、ベネチア・ビエンナーレやリバープール・ビエンナーレに参加、世界中のギャラリーや美術館にて作品を精力的に発表中。
「LOVE LETTER TO THE CITY」はパワーズがアートで街にラブレターを書くプロジェクト。2005年にコニー・アウランド(ニューヨーク)市長とともに、コニー・アイランド復興のため遊園地にあるサインや乗り物をポワーズがキュレーションしたアーティストたちと共にペイント。2007年、フルブライト奨学金をもらいダブリンの街にミューラルをペイント。街や自治体を協力し、ポルティモアのミューラル・アーツ・プログラムより依頼されフィラデルフィアの街に50以上のミューラルを制作。活動は東京を含め、サンパウロから南アフリカ、世界12都市に及ぶ。2015年にニューヨーク市のサマー・ストリート・プログラムより依頼され電信柱にパワーズが描いたサインを設置。ポジティブなメッセージやアートを必要とする地域にラブレターを描き続ける傍ら、拠点のニューヨークでは自身のサインショップ”ESPO’s Art World”を経営している。
GALLERY TARGET is proud to announce our second exhibition with Stephen Powers.
Mural on cat street “NOW IS FOREVER” has become a landmark of Harajuku as well as long mural along Nakamegurfo station. In this exhibition, we will be showing Powers’s enamel paintings, silkscreens and sculptures.
You will be able to experience ESPO’s Art World in Brooklyn in Tokyo!
“There Are No Wrong Answers”
Stephen Powers
April 5th (thur) - 24th (tue), 2018
Open 12-7 pm (except on sun. & holidays)
* Opening reception starts from 7 - 9 pm on April 5th (thur)
* Artist will be at the opening
Stephen Powers / スティーブン・パワーズ
b. 1968, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, based in Brooklyn, New York
Stephen Powers was born and raised in Philadelphia, where in 1984 as an overgrown 16 year-old, started writing the name ESPO around his neighborhood and eventually around the world. In 1999 Powers stopped writing graffiti and tending bar to dedicate himself to being a full-time artist. In spite of early spite his work has been shown at Venice and Liverpool Biennials, as well as numerous shows at Deitch Projects. Powers was a Fulbright scholar in 2007. He used the grant to paint in the streets of Dublin and Belfast. His work in Belfast’s Lower Shankill area was inspired by the area’s political murals; Powers told the New York Times that he was “taking the form of the murals, which are powerful for all the wrong reasons, and trying to retain some of the power and use it in a really good way.”
Building on the first Love Letter project started in Ireland, Powers executed a mural project about the complexities and rewards of relationships titled A Love Letter for You. In Philadelphia, Stephen (call him ESPO) and his crew (call them ICY) painted more than 50 walls along the elevated train along Market Street in West Philly. The project, sponsored by a grant from the Pew Center for Arts and Heritage through the Philadelphia Exhibitions Initiative, and produced with the Philadelphia Mural Arts Program, has generated positive reviews from the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and Art in America The Love Letter project has now grown to more than ten cities spanning the globe from São Paulo to South Africa.
He has published 5 books including his newest publication compiling the last 6 years of global public art projects, A Love Letter to the City (Princeton Architectural Press 2014). He lives and works in New York City where he makes and sells art at his store, ESPO’s Art World in Brooklyn’s Boerum Hill
Powers’s work has been exhibited internationally, including Deitch Projects, New York; Joshua Liner Gallery, New York, NY; GALLERY TARGET, Tokyo; V1 Gallery, Copenhagen; The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art, Philadelphia; Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; Brooklyn Museum, New York, among others.